The Intolerance of Understanding

Let’s say that at some point in the next week, we discovered how to travel back in time. Let’s say we bring our smartphones with us to show the old world.

How would we explain them?

“Here,” we could say, “in the palm of my hand, lies a device that contains every piece of knowledge ever recorded in the history of humanity; every song and text, every religious doctrine, every society and culture that has ever risen and fallen, every observation ever made in the name of science… With this device, I can know instantly any answer I seek. All I need to do is ask the question.”

Upon which an ancient Greek scholar might look up and say,

“Praise be! What a world you must live in, where every citizen is accurately informed of the nature of the world around them. How simple discourse must be with such a device! How truly peaceful and civilised is our future to come.”

“Yeah,” we look around nervously, “about that…”  


We hold the world in our fingertips, and yet the vast majority of the Internet consists of obfuscated data and code that isn’t accessible. Of the 10% that is, a good three-quarters is porn. Why is this? Where the goddamned heck is all the information?

It’s out there alright, but with great information comes great bullshit. No matter what you believe, it takes only a few clicks to find a community of people who agree with you.

This, combined with the guise of anonymity, is one of the best and worst social and technological advancements of our time. The upside is that free speech is rampant. The downside is that free speech is totally fucking rampant, and can manifest in some pretty ugly ways.

Most of us are pretty wised up to this by now, though we still don’t particularly care. Every day a media release or opinion piece declares for the quadrillionth time that social media is manipulating our feelings, deadening our children, or killing our way of life.

Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. What we do know, is that more and more people are getting sucked down the rabbit hole and not coming out. Internet addiction disorder, while receiving a wealth of attention in recent years, is not listed in the DSM-V. For nations such as South Korea and Japan it has become a huge social issue. Every year, thousands of people die from literally sealing themselves away in rooms with not much more than a computer.

How can the Internet possibly be that attractive- that addictive?

It’s become somewhat of an ironic statement to make, but that fact is that the Internet, and social media in particular, is one big reassuring, pampering, motherly machine. Whatever sub-community we choose to identify with, their reassuring coo reminds that whatever we’re doing is okay.

Venture beyond this hivemind, however, and opinions that are not our own start to appear hostile, even spiteful. “Why wouldn’t they agree with me?” we say. “I’ve done research. I’ve conferred with countless others who all share my belief. Anyone who disagrees with my way of life is obviously against me.”

These days, having your opinion shut down online is one of the greatest insults. We have conditioned ourselves into a corner by surrounding ourselves with likeminded others, shunning anyone who may cause us to doubt our convictions.

The real world doesn’t work this way. Outsides of the digital confines we make for ourselves, debate and disagreement is everywhere. We can’t simply close our eyes or hit backspace every time we see something we don’t like. And yet, those of us who have been softened by close-minded, online communities are constantly advocating for real life to reflect them.

Even at universities – institutions that champion open-mindedness and debate as core values – students protest to be shielded from dissenting information. They are our generation’s justice warriors, and they are ignorant to the fact that hearing all sides of a debate is the key to empathy, understanding, and change.

Their argument is straightforward, and seems rooted in truth. Those who disagree with their opinions, they say, are attempting to control them. Those who dispute their sources of information are trying to tell them what to think and what to feel.

This sounds like a reasonable argument, until we realise that those they agree with are doing the exact same thing. We can’t avoid it.

Parents, teachers, experts, advertising, cultural norms, big business, charities, humanitarian organisations- all of them tell us what to think and feel. Some do out of goodwill and some out of greed, but it is only through constant learning that we can determine which is which. This means hearing all sides and deciding on our own what is right, free from as much influence as possible (even from those we like).

We hold the world in our fingertips, and yet most of us choose to explore only a very narrow slice of it because it’s easy and comfortable. And if there’s one thing that Internet exceeds at, it’s making us comfortable.


“So,” the ancient Greek scholar strokes his beard. “You’re saying that, despite having all the world’s knowledge available to them, your generation actively choose to hold onto that which they already believe? You’re saying that some do this to such an extent that they seal themselves off from those around them, even to the point of death?”

We show him the phone. “See for yourself. What do you wish to know?”

The scholar navigates to a database on Greek philosophy in the scientific age. For a long while he reads, focusing especially on modern theories that have made some of his longstanding predictions obsolete.

“Well?” we ask. “What have you found?”

“This is absurd! Our culture has been built from the theories of these great philosophers; how can you so readily dismiss them? Who are these people, who tell me what to think and feel? Who do they think they are?”

Who indeed.

With great information comes great bullshit.


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